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If I had to recommend only one programming language to master, it'd be Python.


Reasons for learning Python:

  • It's gentle for beginners.
  • The community is helpful.
  • And the resources are endless.


What to learn after python

There are multiple paths to take. You can do:

  • Data Science.
  • Game development with Pygame.
  • Data structures and Algorithms.
  • Web development with Django or Flask.
  • Machine Learning (requires knowledge of Math and Statistics).
  • Completely move to another Programming language (do this after deepening your knowledge in one).

You can also jump into different programming projects to dig deeper into problem solving with Python.


The possibilities with Python are endless

But don’t jump into multiple areas at the same time.

For example, don’t work on web development and game development at the same time.

If you follow the efficient way of learning to code, you’ll realize that dabbling into too many things at the same time will postpone your time to mastery.


But you’re not stuck with 1 area

You can learn web development for about 3 months and if you’re not feeling it, switch to Data Science.

And if that’s not your thing, turn to Game development. Bounce around until you find the area that consumes your attention the most.

Then completely jump into it for 1 to 3 years to skyrocket your way to mastery.


Thanks for reading

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Heads Up - I love research so I tend to back my advice and approach with concepts from Behavioral Psychology and Neuroscience.